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Music School
KICS Music School
Introduction to KICS Music School
<Education Goals> Educating students as 'Truly God's People'
and educating future global artists with academic and artistic excellence.
1. Spirituality Becoming ones who learn, obeyGod's word, and become more like Christ and take  after His charateristics
2. Personality Become sincere learn virtuous character and propriety and dedicate to God
3. Intelligence Students who learn by oneself and widen world of God based on their potential of creativity.
4. Creativity Those who develop sensitivity God has given US and fulfill creating world of God by growing esthetic sense of truth and beauty
1.Spirituality True those who would learn God’s Word, obey to them and take after His chasracter
2.Personality Sincere those who learn virtuous character and propriety and dedicate to God
3.Intelligence Those who learn by oneself and widen creating world of God based on their potential of creativity.
4.Sensitivity Those who develop sensitivity God has given US and fulfill creating world of God by growing esthetic sense of truth and beauty
Music School Program
  • Elementary - level 1st - 6th classes (general academic subjects) + 7th - 8th [9th] (specialized music subjects)
  • Middle School  - level 1st - 5th classes (general academic subjects)+ 6th - 8th[9th] (specialized music subjects)
Names of Music Class Subjects
Introduction to Music
Music Listening 
Instruments Technique Class
Music Major Training Course
Curriculum Introduction
Introduction to Music

Introduction to Music is a class that teaches the foundation for musical theories.
Through understanding the meaning and components of music, the qualities as a future professional musicians are developed. 

Music Listening Class

Music Listening Class improves the abilit to read notes and sing, listen and write music, which are the basis of music activities.
It developes the ability to listen and express music through various music.


Students learn the harmony and balance of music through the choir class. 
The choir class students expreience the unity of sound to cultivate a high level of artistic literacy.

Ensemble Class
By playing various music together, you can feel the harmony and joy of sound in music activities,
Through this, cooperation and musical harmony are learned.
Instruments Technique Class
Instruments Technique Class fosters student's attitude as a performer through stage performance.
As performers, students share their music with the audience and improve their critical appreciation ability,
by listening to other collegue's work.
Music Major Practice Course
Develop the skills and musicality that you need to have as a musician by learning your major knowledge and skills in depth.